[韩国/三级] 礼仪培训师 [MP4/1.79GB/BT]9 E! _8 {" Q! k e, E
[attach]18663560[/attach]1 _9 T* {7 b( [# N0 V+ b; g
【影片名称】:礼仪培训师 (年轻老师也风流 学礼仪就是造爱的技巧) ! V$ N, V% O) D& J8 u【影片大小】:1.79GB- d5 i0 I% t, m7 `1 u1 h. E
【影片时间】:01:18:23 , B' j) K1 |( P- @3 T【影片格式】:MP4% `' v( W4 Z$ k# p; V" B5 T5 X! g4 M
【是否有码】:无* t/ G- {+ B/ e9 O
【剧情介绍】:( i0 F& J6 b6 w. `
公司董事单团队经理雇用方式老师来教育员工一些礼节。然后有一天,一名年轻女子 (Yeo Min-贞) 介绍了自己作为 '方式老师'。然而,她只是对玄 moo 可见。从那时起,每当玄 moo 敲开一扇门,或做了些 '方式',她会出现和总的定向讲座,礼仪。这两个非常迅速地靠近...... & Y# ]+ }) C3 c6 b# f T0 e; Q5 p5 \7 E. `: v9 o) I
Deputy Hyeon-moo from Isang Plans doesn't know a thing about manners. The company director orders the team manager to to hire a manner teacher for the sake of teaching the employees some manners. Then one day, a young woman (Yeo Min-jeong) introduces herself as the 'manner teacher'. However, she was only visible to Hyeon-moo. From then on, whenever Hyeon-moo knocks on a door or does something with 'manner', she would appear and conduct a total directional lecture on manners. The two get close very quickly...8 E" e# l2 A; n& U9 e
[attach]18663544[/attach][attach]18663547[/attach][attach]18663548[/attach][attach]18663546[/attach][attach]18663552[/attach][attach]18663553[/attach][attach]18663542[/attach][attach]18663543[/attach][attach]18663545[/attach][attach]18663549[/attach][attach]18663550[/attach][attach]18663551[/attach][attach]18663554[/attach][attach]18663555[/attach][attach]18663556[/attach][attach]18663557[/attach][attach]18663558[/attach][attach]18663559[/attach][attach]18663561[/attach]' O3 M( n; [7 F8 o 你的支持是发贴的动力!!7 _8 o% G9 j6 g: v1 H2 x( @
【资源下载】:dhjejejk.rar 9 @2 ?1 N' u4 Q4 ~ 6 }; Y6 k3 `0 e3 F6 w1 |. V) B6 n( p[精品软件]<已更新链接>某宝的VIP迅雷,用了一段时间了很好用共享出来8 N1 A0 Q4 {( G3 l' _- H6 u+ X( y